Easy Portrait Retouching Software for Beginners

retouching effect

You’ve taken a dozen portrait shots of the same subject, and still you find imperfections in every one of them! What do you do? Take a dozen more? Get a new subject? How about using PT Portrait to make every portrait shot perfect with only very little work?

PT Portrait is an easy to use portrait editing software suitable for any beginners. Without much learning, you can quickly retouch portraits to make them perfect, removing imperfections and making improvements to rival the quality of professional photographers. PT Portrait lets you magically erase wrinkles and blemishes, reshape faces, and apply natural and realistic effects that smooth skin, enhance tone, remove red-eye, and whiten teeth!

If you frequently work with RAW format files, you’ll love being able to open RAW files in PT Portrait, in addition to working with BMP, JPEG, TIFF, and DNG files. Your completed product can be saved as TIFF or JPEG format. No matter what, expect to receive heaps of praise on the quality of your stunning portrait photos – with no one suspecting that you had a little help in the form of PT Portrait!

Download PT Portrait.
Learn more about PT Portrait.

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