In the Watermark panel of the Watermark module:
To add a text watermark, click "Add Text" button or right-click on the photo and choose "Add Text", enter the text in the text box and specify Text Options: font, style, alignment, line spacing, fill color and outline.
To enter the text, do either of the following:
To add an image watermark, click "Add Image" button or right-click on the photo and choose "Add Image", then navigate to and choose the PNG, JPEG or BMP that you want to use. To change the image, click the "Change image…" button.
To add a simple shape to the photo, click the shape button or right-click on the photo and choose "Add Graphics". Moving the "Stretch" slider to right will make the shape wider, while moving it to left will make the shape taller.
When a watermark is selected, you can directly position, scale and rotate the watermark by clicking and dragging it on the picture, and you can also fine-tune its location and size by pressing [↑][↓][←][→] and [+][-] keys.
You will also notice that selecting a watermark displays a bounding box anchored to points on the photo/frame’s border/center, which shows where to place the watermark in relation to the photo/frame’s border/center. To set the anchor point to a fixed location, click or drag it. The anchor point becomes orange when fixed.
To delete a watermark, press [Delete] key when it is selected or right-click it and choose "Delete".
To change a watermark layer order, right-click it and choose "Bring Forward/Send Backward".
To duplicate a watermark, right-click it and choose "Duplicate".
Opacity - Adjust the level of transparency of the watermark.
Blend Mode - The blend mode controls how to blend the watermark color with the background color.
Shadow - To add a shadow, select "Shadow" and use the controls to adjust it: Click the color box to specify a shadow color.