PT Photo Editor 5

A powerful but amazingly lightweight RAW photo editor.
  • Provides plenty of useful adjustments and handy retouching tools
  • Preserves every detail of your RAW with high quality 16/32-bit algorithms
  • Supports viewing/editing image metadata
  • Creates proffesional look watermarks
  • Does everything in batch
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Brush Panel

The Brush tool lets you to select or deselect the area you paint.

  1. Select the Brush tool in the tool strip or press "B".
  2. Choose the painting mode:
    Brush: Add the painted area to the selection.
    Eraser: Subtract the painted area from the selection.
  3. Set the Brush options in the tool panel:
    • Drag the Size slider or use mouse wheel to specify the brush size.
    • To make the brush edge softer, drag the Feather slider to the right.
    • Flow - How much paint is applied to the area for every stroke. Multiple strokes will increase the paint strength.
    • Opacity - The maximum opacity that the brush paints.
    • Auto Mask - Confines brush/eraser strokes to areas of similar color.
  4. Paint over the image to select or deselect areas.
    Brush Eraser
    Brush Eraser
What's Regional Edit
Gradient Tool
Quick Selection Tool
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